Thursday, December 10, 2015

A violation of persuasive ethics - Late

 The violation of persuasive ethics I wanted to write about is based on most of Donald Trumps campaign.  Donald Trump has consistently played on the fears of the American people instead of giving them the whole truth or even a semi-plausible strategy to change things. Instead he uses his air time to discuss himself in the third person about how he is the greatest, so good at everything, and has many friends of many different races and religions. This has built up support among his supporters who just see Donald Trump as someone who can fix anything, however there have been no strategies presented, the people supporting him seem to be OK with his idea of just saying that he is so skilled that everything will work out well. That has played well with his base in garnering an almost inseparable support system for Mr. Trump and it is the reason he has been polling so well and consistently. I think his focus on the fear aspect of persuasion is detrimental to the progress of the nation, and it easily convinces the "uninformed" that things are black and white when in reality we live in a world full of grey. However even though I do feel like this is a serious violation of persuasive ethics, it has been highly successful for him. It has played on the fear in many Americans hearts about the evil things in the world( who usually aren't US citizens) and how they are coming to kill us and or hurt us financially. If he only used fear his campaign wouldn't be as successfull as it is today. However to go along with the use of fear Mr. Trump has always been stubborn like a bull when confronted with facts. When Mr. Trump said that he saw thousands of Muslims cheering when the World Trade Center came down, it caused the media to react and look into it and even contact the journalist who wrote the article trump was originally referring to. However there came back to be no evidence of thousands of Muslims cheering or even hundreds and the journalist has been adamant about this. Although the truth seems to dispute what Trump said, He is a stubborn figure who will almost never apologize or try to take back what he has said. This along with the fear is why I think he has caused a serious violation of persuasive ethics. His followers have began to agree that Trump is right and when confronted with the truth or factual evidence, if it doesn't match up with what Trump says it doesn't match up with what they believe. His use of persuasion although very effective has violated what I believe are persuasive ethics because he doesn't focus on what the truth is but rather how he can use fear to connect to a sector of Americans. The other problem is that fear is something that everyone has inside of them and it is an emotion that is highly capable of taking over someones life. He is using one of the strongest persuasive emotions to run for the highest office in our country. He should be more ethical if anything rather than playing on fear alone.

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